The Peace Project Meditations

Listen and gain PEACE

Quick Meditations (5-10 minutes)

  • Anxiety Relief

    Slow down your anxiety and begin to separate the sensations from the negativity attached to them.

  • Distraction Relief

    This quick meditation will give you insight and peace when you are upset over being distracted.

  • Universal Perspective

    Expand your awareness to the universe and out of your day to day perspective.

Most Recent Episodes

Man in sillhoute staring at the milky way with beautiful colors

Absolving Yourself of Ego

16 minute meditation March 13, 2021

We can often feel like the world is on our shoulders or that we are responsible for everything that has happened to us. This meditation focuses on your breath to explore our own egos and determine what we are in control of.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Three women stand in sillhoute atop a mountain on a hazy yellow day at sunset.

Greeting All as Your Friend

15 minute meditation March 6, 2021

We have the oppurtunity in each moment to greet our hopes, fears, desires, and sensations. This meditation helps you see these as friends and welcome them into your life.

Photo by Karl Magnuson on Unsplash

A young asian women tilts her head back with eyes closed in a tropical forest. She seems at peace.

Examining Sensaton

17 minute meditation February 27, 2021

As we grow, we learn about the material facts of sensations. This can often block our mind from truly engaging with the sensation itself and feeling it as we experience it. This meditation will help you examine your feelings and sensations to experience them more fully.

Photo by Cris Trung on Unsplash

Cultivate Inner Peace

Join me on my quest for inner peace. Mediation is a practice that has helped me manage depression, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, better experience joy, and become more aware of my conscious experience. I want you to join me.

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